This part contains the essential information from every policy on our website. All of the key topics have been gathered here for your convenience. All users of the Texas Outfits website are required to adhere to these guidelines.
Content Protected by Copyright:
We would like to inform all users of the Texas Outfits website that the website maintains strict ownership rights over all published content. No one is permitted to misuse our content or copy and paste it. These actions are all totally forbidden. All rights to the entire content of our website are reserved by us. All of our material, including designs, graphics, photos, and product descriptions, is protected by copyright. Therefore, we will take harsh action against anyone who misuses information in any way without our permission. Therefore, please refrain from copying, selling, publishing under your name or on your website, displaying, distributing, or reproducing our site’s content.
Who is responsible for paying the customs fees?
We are not responsible for paying customs fees, even though the Texas Outfits website offers free shipping worldwide. According to the laws of their respective countries, each customer will be responsible for paying the fees that are associated with their packages. However, individuals fortunate enough to reside in duty-free nations can take advantage of free shipping.
Links to other websites:
The Texas Outfits website is only responsible for the goods and regulations that we own; if we link to another website and you experience any issues there, please be aware that we do not control that website and cannot be held responsible for its policies or services.
Power to alter:
The Texas Outfits team alone retains the right to make changes to our privacy policies and published material at any time or in response to changing circumstances. Apart from that, nobody has the power to alter the website in any way. We simply reserve the right to alter, update, adapt, or improve the content or look of our website.
We will take action against you if you break any of our rules or directions.